
Children in School

The Environment

Our warm and inviting classroom where children are treated with respect and multi-age grouping creates a community of happy students who mentor, inspire and learn from one another. Low teacher-to-child ratio ensures each child is guided through the curriculum, receives many individual and small group lessons each day and ultimately achieves his or her academic potential.

The Curriculum

Exposure in the formative years to a broad range of foundational knowledge in culture, geography and science provides “hooks in the brain” for all future learning. Hands-on materials bring abstract concepts to life, helping children to comprehend in a deep and meaningful way. Children experience personal pride and feelings of self-worth associated with working independently and for their own purposes, by following through on their tasks and producing exceptional work. Opportunities are presented for children to choose their own work, to work for uninterrupted time periods and to repeat activities; all of this is essential to the development of self-direction, attention span and concentration.

Beyond the Classroom

An emphasis is placed on community service and helping others. Active instruction in peacemaking, conflict resolution strategies and respect for others promotes sociability. Daily Bible Instruction, prayer and chapel creates a life-long love and understanding of Christian behavior.
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