Our Family

A Message from our Principal

Dear Students and Families,

Every morning when I wake up I thank God for the blessing of finding this school!
After spending 26 years working in public education coming to Grace Christian
Academy feels like a gift from God! What a privilege to be able to start my day
with prayer and singing worship songs! I love working with the students, the staff,
and the families here, and to be able to teach young people about the most
important relationship that they will ever have is an answer to prayer!

The students here at Grace Christian Academy are the most precious anywhere!
As principal, I have the privilege of interacting with all of the students, and they
teach me new things every day! Their sense of wonder and love, their generosity
and humility, and their ability to rise to each important occasion in their young
lives are an inspiration to me. Our wonderful, dedicated staff stimulates and
cultivates these traits to produce children who love learning, and our Lord and
Savior! I could not ask for a better place to minister to those around me!
This school has exceeded my expectations in so many ways! I pray and know
that each year will be better and better!

It is my prayer that Grace Christian Academy students will remember that they
always have a family here that loves them and believes in them. As I tell all my
students at the end of every year: once you are one of Mrs. Rodriguez’s kids you
are always one of Mrs. Rodriguez’s kids!

In His Love,
Mrs. Rodriguez

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